Online Payment Solutions Help Your Business through the Holidays

For a lot of businesses, the holidays are one of the most stressful and busiest times of the year. With all the hype that companies create for their products, and the ensuing customer craze that follows, as a business you need to think of the best way to successfully manage this (potential) influx of holiday revenue. You’ll need to a payments provider that will be convenient for you and your customers; one of the most convenient options to achieve this is by integrating an online payment solution into your company.

Online payment solutions provide the means for you to run your business and sell your products and services online, however, it is important that you put a lot of thought into which electronic payment solution you integrate. There are a few major benefits that come from getting an e-commerce processor that will help you during the holiday season.

In general, shopping during the holiday season is such a hectic task. With all the crowds customers have to fight through, and with all the different stores they need to get to, they could possibly give up before evening reach your company. However, when you provide your customers with an online payment solution, you are making their shopping experience, and thus their lives, a lot easier and much more

It’s incredibly important to use an easily accessible online payment solution. You want an option that will be easy to navigate, otherwise shopping online will be just as inconvenient as shopping in person. A smooth interface will make your customers satisfied, and as a business owner, you’ll keep that holiday stress at bay.

Wider Reach
With an online payment solution, you don’t only have an online presence, you have an online store. Since the number of online shoppers increases each year, not offering your clientele an online shop hurts your reach. During the holidays, shoppers may want to switch things up, and by incorporating an Internet payment gateway into your website, you can broaden your markets and reach customers you did not even know you had. This, in turn, will increase your sales.

Safest Solution
One of the most important factors that goes into integrating an online payment solution is security. E-commerce processors are incredibly secure. By contrast, thieves thrive on large crowds when stealing wallets, and there are no larger crowds than the ones found during the holidays. In terms of fraud, online processors are far safer. Providing customers with a secure way to access their money and share it with their loved ones, without having to worry about risk, increases their satisfaction.

If you have never thought about getting an online payment solution for your company, the holiday season is the perfect time to start. It is important for you to find the Internet payment platform that will best fit both your company’s and customers’ needs.

Hair growth after hair transplant treatment

Wondering how successful will be your hair transplant surgery? Or, thinking about the hair growth post-treatment? We have agreed that the most difficult part of a hair transplantation procedure comes after the surgery is done. Most of us frequently look in the mirror to find the results or see changes and this can be very distressing sometimes. Hair transplantation surgery whether done using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) technique, is an extremely successful surgery in the majority of people. The catch, obviously, is that one must wait for a few months to get the final desired result.

Generally, the hair growth cycle is normal post hair transplantation, every hair follicle goes through its own cycle. Depending on the position in its cycle, once it is planted it will go through its cycle and grow accordingly. So, gradually hair begins to grow. Although it is very hard to predict the hair growth pattern after transplant operation for every individual patient, an approximate timeline is provided in this write-up for you to understand and get an idea of how hair grows and when it would grow.

Hair ‘growth’ after the hair transplant and the results actually depends on two major factors- ‘popping’ and other is ‘maturation’. Popping means new, transplanted hairs penetrating through the scalp; while maturation refers to the darkening, thickening and naturalization of the new hairs. Thus, we can say that the hair transplant has reached its final stage when all new hairs have popped out of the scalp and every hair has matured in thickness, darkness and normalized texture.

After hair being transplanted, the follicles go into their natural resting phase. The tiny hairs in the follicles fall off within the next 2 to 4 weeks after the surgery, and no new hair is seen until the next 3 months when the hair follicles awake. The newer follicles wake and start growing hairs at the third month, changes are seen till the 12th month and many times even up to the 18th-month post-surgery. Thus, the full hair growth and appearance of hair transplantation is not complete till a year, or sometimes even a year and a half.

Let us see in detail how the popping of new hair transplanted progresses monthly:

By the 3rd month, the new hair starts ‘popping’ through the scalp. By the time the 3rd month ends, nearly 30% of the hairs are penetrated through the scalp. By month 4, 40% come through and by month 5, 50% come through. Likewise, by 6 months, about 60 to 70% of the hairs are fully popped through the scalp. By the time it’s 9 months, 90 to 100% of hairs are penetrated through the scalp, and most of the hair transplant changes from that point are because of maturation.

Maturation like mentioned earlier refers to, thickening, darkening and normalizing of the new hair that is transplanted. When the new hairs penetrate through the scalp around 3 to 5 months, they are very short, thin, transparent and wispy. This is also referred to as an “immature” phase or appearance. By month 6, the result is considered to be 40 to 50% matured. At this time, many patients are happy to see the real surgery effect. However, the new hair is still in the immature phase. Still, the hairs are thinner than the native hair, and also they appear somewhat kinky and wiry- though this is a temporary texture that will normalize with time.

While most patients are quite happy with the 6 monthly results, they must note that this is only “halfway” to the overall final results. Only about 70% of new hairs have penetrated the scalp, and those also are very thin and frizzy as compared to the native hair. Even at the 8th month, hairs tend to look thin and wiry. Later, between the 9th to 12th months, the final maturation of hair begins. At this stage, almost all hairs are penetrated through the scalp, and they also look thick, dark and the texture is also normalised to match the rest of the native hair.

So, most patients see full-grown hair after 12 months of a hair transplant surgery. 100% of the hairs are penetrated through the scalp and they look fully thickened, darkened and smoothen-out. However, make a note, that this lifecycle and time of hair growth is just a rough calculation. Few patients grow hair quicker, while few may grow slowly. Simply because you find yourself behind or ahead of the curve does not mean your results are good or bad. It simply means few may take more time or less time to get the final effect. Since every patient has different anatomy, the hair growth will be different in each patient. This is the reason why hair most transplant doctors wait till the 18th month to make a final analysis of results.

A lot of patients do see changes up to 18 months, so do not get disheartened if your doctor believes that your hair is still “immature” and that they have room to grow even beyond 12 months. This is specifically in the case of patients who undergo hair transplants in the centre or crown area of the scalp. These areas of the scalp show slower growth and maturation than those in the frontline, and many experts believe that it takes complete 18n months to see fully-grown hair in these regions.

Patients must remember that this is just a rough guideline and this write-up is just to give you a hint of what to expect if you are thinking of having a hair transplant done or already going through the recovery process post-surgery. All patients are different and will grow differently, and it is the final result that matters and not the journey of hair transplantation. You need to just hang on, trust the doctor, trust the procedure and wait for the magic to unveil. Wish you luck with your hair transplant surgery!

Gallstones Remedies That Are Useful In Curing The Problem Effectively

Gallstones are basically stones that are formed out of cholesterol and bile and are located in the gallbladder. Most people don’t even know they have gallstones for a very long time and since there aren’t any physical symptoms, it is very difficult to diagnose as well. More often than not, gallstones are discovered during other procedures. At later stages, gallstones can cause severe pain in the abdominal region and the lower back. This pain occurs because the gallstones do not allow bile to pass through the gallbladder into the intestines to help with the digestion of food. If not treated in time, these gallstones can grow a lot and cause a lot of trouble. Some of the most common symptoms of gallstones at advanced stages include intolerance to any type of fatty foods or foods that have high cholesterol, discomfort in the abdomen or belching after eating, passing gas, etc. Once these symptoms show up, there is no relief until the gallstones are effectively removed.

Now that we have talked about gallstones, let us now discuss some gallstones remedies.

One of the best gallstones remedies is plain, simple water. Plain water is the best way to flush your liver, colon and gallbladder and is also one of the cheapest remedies available. You can also consider adding some olive oil and lemon juice into the water for faster results. You can even consider adding raw garlic into this mixture. If consumed regularly for a few days, it should be good enough to get rid of gallstones. This is a very effective remedy for gallstones.

Turmeric is another great remedy for gallstones. It has been used in many natural supplements as effective gallstones remedies. The main ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. It has the ability to give flavour as well as colour to the herb and also has many powerful healing properties. People that are looking at turmeric as an effective remedy for gallstones need to consume a large amount of it on a daily basis. It can be mixed in with food or it can be consumed in the form of herbal supplements. The choice is yours.

When working with natural gallstones remedies, it is recommended that people stay away from foods that have a lot of fat. It is also recommended to stay away from foods that contain a lot of cholesterol. This will help in the whole process of removal of gallstones.

If natural remedies aren’t working for you that doesn’t mean that surgery is your only other option. You could consider herbal supplements like Kid Clear capsules instead. These capsules are excellent as they help dissolve the gallstones inside the gallbladder itself. If not fully, they definitely reduce their size so that they become easier to flush out. And apart from helping cure gallstones, these capsules also help to prevent their formation. They are also known to help with various other diseases including urinary bladder infections and kidney infections.